Post by fryztahariani on Nov 28, 2013 2:30:07 GMT
The journal of Politeness in Request, it is about the relationship of politeness and indirectness that compare of Romanians between the British and the Hebrew. Actually,the major of Romanian element is about intercultural encounter of discourse of politeness.
As we know that each country has different language and culture to express their words,that is happen in Romanian. People in there has many ways and different way to express politeness and indirectness in request. Even though they use English, the way they say or express something is different because English language has many styles and also not all of countries in the world use English as main language but as a second language too. The journal has weakness too the authenticity of the situations is limited. Here, the researcher only used seven students of Romanians’ students. I think is not effective because they were not the native Romanians.
Post by sadampamungkas on Nov 28, 2013 2:58:08 GMT
Commenting on the journal entitles ‘Politeness in Requests’ I read, let me say that it was all about relationship between indirectness and politeness in requests. It was between Romanians and other nationalities, such as the British and the Hebrew. There are some aims to be achieved by the researcher. The first is to analyze the relationship between indirectness and politeness in request, the second is to find out to what extent politeness and indirectness are viewed as overlapping or mutually excluding categories. The third goal is to provide an example of the sociolinguistics instruments that can be employed in the investigation of the differences and similarities likely to emerge in intercultural encounters.
The researcher tries to identify if there are any similarities between the answers of the Romanians respondents, the British, and the Hebrew in requesting in terms of indirectness and politeness. this identification is applied by designing a situation and the respondents have to answer the question by choosing the eight-descriptive category(utterances). The eight categories were typed randomly. The respondents were asked to rate each utterances on a one to eight point scale for either "directness" or "politeness".
The weakness of this project is there were only seven Romanians respondents that showed that they were students not the native Romanians. We do not know whether or not the respondents are the native speakers of Roma. As we know that if the respondents are not native speakers, the result will be invalid then. In addition, I can say that It is not effective when seven respondents have to choose the eight utterances and typed them in the directness and politeness ordered. They may choose or make more than one result. In terms of directness and indirectness, and politeness, the answers provided by the respondents were somewhat similar to the previous choices. The singularity answer was not taken into account. However, if the survey is to be carried out on a larger group of respondents. The comparison among the Romanians respondents' answer, the English respondents' answer, and the Hebrew respondents' answer, proposes two possible directions of investigations. the first direction is focused on the relationship between what the person believes to be polite in a certain situation and what the same person perceive as polite. the second direction is focused on checking the findings of the current research against a larger group of Romanian respondents.
The good things of the journal are that we can know if the level of politeness can not be the same. we think that our way to request is polite, but probably not for the others. also the researcher gives some tables as the measurements, so it seems that result can be considered as a high quality of research. in addition, the researcher also provides the situation which is simple and useful. that will make the respondents easier to answer the questions given by the researcher.
Going on commenting on the journal, the obvious differences among Romanian, Hebrew, and English appear when it comes to politeness. The three languages place the utterances on different position. In this respect, Romanian seems again to overlap with Hebrew in which the respondents place the utterances in similar position. The conclusion is Romanian is pretty close to Hebrew in terms of the linguistics strategies employed. However, Romanian more likely to encounter conventional indirect polite strategies compared to Hebrew and English.
After reading the journal, let me say that we can not claim them unreliable because in our view there may be differences between what one person uses on a daily basis and what the same person perceives as adquat, acceptable in terms of polite indirect strategies. So everything depends on the cultures applied by the nationality itself.
Post by diannormalitasari on Nov 28, 2013 3:20:11 GMT
I have read the journal, the title is “Politeness in Requests: Some Research Findings Relevant for Intercultural Encounters Politeness in Requests: Some Research Findings Relevant for Intercultural Encounters”. This journal contains about analysis of the relationship between indirectness and politeness in requests. From the journal We will know the information about politeness and indirectness are viewed as overlapping or mutually excluding categories by Romanians compared to other nationalities, such as the British and the Hebrew. The goal of the journal is to provide an example of the socio linguistics instruments that can be employed in the investigation of the differences and similarities likely to emerge in intercultural encounters. This journal may contribute to a research niche neglected so far and, hopefully, provide a theoretical and practical framework for further investigations into the field of polite requests. This journal is really good for us as students of English Department because we became know about the comparison of three languages; Rumanian, Hebrew, and British, of which one the most polite of three languages implementing in asking requests. The weakness of the journal is there is no example of the real conversation, it just gives some sentences, its better to give it. The conclusion of the journal is that Romanian is pretty closeto Hebrew in terms of the linguistic strategies employed. However, the current research also points out to the fact that in Romanian we are more likely to encounter conventional indirect polite strategies compared to Hebrew and English. And then if it is compared with Indonesian cultures, Indonesian people also use politeness in request and to be polite is important in Indonesia.
Post by tiyasindriyani on Nov 28, 2013 4:10:22 GMT
Hello Mr. Akmal I come to revised my post. hehehe after I read the PDF with the theme entitled 'Politeness in Requests' by the Romanian than English and Hebrew.There are some parts of discussion, those are directness and indirectness; conventional and non-conventional. As Blum Kulka asserts, or they consider non-conventional indirectness as more polite. The respondents are not native speakers, the result will be invalid then. The researcher used a method to analyze the relationship between indirectness and politeness in request by discourse completion test (DCT). The article differs which one of three languages that is most polite in requests. In my opinion, every country has its own traditions and culture of the level of politeness in requests. Every country has its own way to deliver it, so we should not judge that the culture and the way they have it worse than those in Indonesia. We also should not have thought that Indonesian culture is better in conveying Politeness in Requests. This all depends on how we address this. This journal is really good for us as students of English Department because we can know about the comparison of three languages; Romanian, Hebrew, and British, of which one the most polite of three languages implementing in asking requests. The weakness of the journal is there is no example of the real conversation, it just gives some sentences, its better to give it and the respondents of Romanians only seven students and they were not the native of Romanians. So, I think it is not an effective way, because the seven respondents have to choose the eight categories and type them in directness or politeness.
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Post by titis on Nov 28, 2013 4:42:43 GMT
Firstly, thank you very much for giving me new knowledge about the material that we discussed yesterday. And I've already read the journal. In my opinion, it is a good journal because it tells us about the politeness and indirectness in request especially of Rumanian, Hebrew and English. The article compare which one of those countries is more polite. The researcher used a method to analyze these countries. And the method is called DCT. That is the Discourse Completion Test. And the Researcher conclude that Romania is more polite than British and English. From this article, the reader knew which one of the countries is more polite and the the reader also get the information especially about the politeness and indirectness of those countries. So that, people can take a position if they are in that country. The weakness of the journal is about the limited information in research question. It makes the reader not too understand about the content of the journal. The weakness also about the sampling of the research.It is not effective if the researcher just use seven students of Romanians' students. it also not efficient for a research. The conclusion is every country has different culture, the reader have to understand about this one. so that the can take a position if they are in other country. Indonesia also has the cultures. And most Indonesians' people especially Javanese people are polite. Because they get the culture from their parents. Their parents teach them to be a polite person especially with the oldest person. So that they used to be polite with other people. Just that I can give my comment about the journal. I do hope that my comment is like what you think of the truly content of the journal. That's all and thank you very much sir.
Post by indahwika on Nov 28, 2013 4:45:24 GMT
Commenting about the journal entitled "Politeness in Requests ". It's about the analysis of the relationship between indirectness and politeness in requests by Romanians compared to other nationalities, such as the British and the Hebrew. There are certainly 3 nationalities with their own politeness that compared here. The purpose of the research is to find out which one is more polite in making requests. Based on the conclusion on the journal, the Romanian is pretty close to Hebrew in terms of the linguistic strategies employed. However, the current research also points out to the fact that in Romanian we are more likely to encounter conventional indirect polite strategies compared to Hebrew and English. Well, I think that each country has their own way to express their politeness in requests, included our country, Indonesia. So, we can not conclude easily that this is one more polite than the others and so on. They have their own level of politeness. In this case, different culture might be influence. This journal is very useful for us in order to know the expression of politeness in requests in some countries or languages, especially those which discussed here. It can helps to know how to to deliver politeness in requests properly if we meet the people in the other countries. The weakness of this journal is that the research seems not too valid because the number of respondents is limited, there are just 7 respondents. Whereas the society of each country consists of many people. Also, the respondents are not Romanians. They aren't native speakers. Still, the journal isn't easy to understand. We have to read it twice or third to understand all of the contents. Thank you sir INDAH WIKA/ 7C 10420168
Post by ErniYuhriyah on Nov 28, 2013 6:18:36 GMT
Actually I'm so confused to understand this assignment until I can't stop thinking about it. but I try to do it well. thanks for new knowledge sir,
Post by TitikWaruji on Nov 28, 2013 7:40:20 GMT
For the first I wanna say thank a lot to Mr. Akmal for the new knowledge and new experience from this assignment. It is very interesting to studying through e-learning. According to me, this journal tell us about the relationship between indirectness and politeness in request in order to find out what the extend is politeness as view of over lapping or manually excluding categories by Romanian compared with England and Hebrew. The journal gives us many information about the politeness and indirectness in request in the different country, it gives us more information and knowledge about how to request include indirectness and politeness. The knowledge about how to request is very important when we are in the hotel and in the other places as the guest or employee. Weakness of the journal: This journal is too hard to understand because I must read more than one time to read it to understand. Strength of the journal: According to me this journal is very good for the readers because they get the important information about the politeness in request.In this journal the researcher explain the politeness request in Romanian, England and Hebrew. The conclusion is Romanian is pretty close to Hebrew. However, the current research also points out to the fact that in Romanian we are more likely to encounter conventional indirect polite strategies compared to Hebrew and English. Different with our country (Indonesia) Politeness Request in Indonesia have already be used since we were born. Our country (Indonesia) always show good polite and kind. Especially in java, java is polite culture. Thanks for show me the journal sir, I hope it will be useful in the future. By: Titik Waruji (10420338)
Post by Dian Untsa Shofiani on Nov 28, 2013 9:17:11 GMT
Oke, thank you sir, I have read this journal about "POLITENESS IN REQUESTS: SOME RESEARCH FINDINGS RELEVANT FOR INTERCULTURAL ENCOUNTERS". This is a very interesting journal for me, so I got new knowledge after reading this journal. I find out that Romanians associate politeness with conventional indirectness, as Blum Kulka asserts, or they consider non-conventional indirectness as more polite and I can identify if there are any similarities between the answers of the Romanian respondents and those of Blum Kulka’s respondents. I could draw is that Romanian is pretty close to Hebrew in terms of the linguistic strategies employed. However, the current research also points out to the fact that in Romanian we are more likely to encounter conventional indirect polite strategies compared to Hebrew and English. And I think the conclusion of the journal is that each country has a different way to express Politeness in Request including Indonesian country, which is famous with their Politeness and their hospitality. (Dian Untsa S)
Post by inayatul maula on Nov 28, 2013 9:23:27 GMT
Thank you for Mr.Akmal,this is interesting journal for me. The journal entitle " Politeness in Request", it's all about relationship between indirectness and politeness in request by Romanians compared to other nationalities, the British and the Hebrew. Every country has own different culture and traditions of the level of politeness in request. The journal give us more information about how to request include indirectness and politeness. Actually, it is very difficult for me to understand this journal. so, I need more than one time to read this journal.
Post by oneysetyawati on Nov 28, 2013 11:05:44 GMT
I will give opinion for this journal. The journal is about "POLITENESS IN REQUESTS: SOME RESEARCH FINDINGS RELEVANT FOR INTERCULTURAL ENCOUNTERS". After reading the journal, it is very useful for the reader because it explains about the way to be polite in request.also, we can get so many information in that journal. As we know every country has different way to be politeness in request. Not only politeness but also in every aspect, such as, language, culture has differences.This journal find out the politeness excluding categories by Romanians compared to other nationalities, such as the British and the Hebrew. Romanian will more encounter conventional indirect strategies of politeness which is compared in Hebrew and English.
In other hand, it has a weakness. the authenticity of the situations is limited. Here, the researcher only used seven students of Romanians’ students. I think is not effective because they were not the native Romanians. This research should be taken many respondents to get effective result. Then, the hypothetical nature of the situations simplifies the complexity of interaction in real conversation. Moreover, what people claim that would say in hypothetical situation is not necessarily what they actually say in real situations.
Post by Admin on Nov 28, 2013 11:22:55 GMT
The journal tells us about the relationship between indirect and politeness by Romanian compared with England and Hebrew. One of the issues of major concern when it comes to intercultural encounters is the socio-linguistic discourse of politeness. Before presenting the research project supporting the aim of the article, our undertaking needs some background to the issue of politeness in requests through indirect strategies. In the journal, they tried to find out whether Romanians associate politeness with conventional indirectness, as Blum Kulka asserts, or they consider non-conventional indirectness as more polite. Moreover, we tried to identify if there are any similarities between the answers of the Romanian respondents and those of Blum Kulka’s respondents. In order to attain these objectives, the researcher used a method to analyze the relationship between indirectness and politeness in request by discourse completion test (DCT). The journal has several weaknesses. Firstly, the authenticity of the situations is limited. Here, the researcher only used seven students of Romanians’ students. I think is not effective because they were not the native Romanians. This research should be taken many respondents to get effective result. Then, the hypothetical nature of the situations simplifies the complexity of interaction in real conversation. Moreover, what people claim that would say in hypothetical situation is not necessarily what they actually say in real situations. In addition, it is not able to bring out the extended negotiation which commonly occurs in authentic discourse due to the absence of interactions between interlocutors. Despite its disadvantages, the journal used appropriate method by called discourse completion test (DCT) because the method can be applied directly to participants coming from different cultural background. So, the conclusion is that Romanian is pretty close to Hebraw in terms of the linguistic strategies employed. Remember, as we know that every place has different culture. For example, In Indonesia, the politeness can be seen from addressing people. It is seen from age, respect, and position. But, we can’t judge. We cannot claim if Indonesia is more polite than another because every places has their own culture. It is good analysis.You hit the target.Your score is A.
Post by Admin on Nov 28, 2013 11:29:12 GMT
Commenting on the journal entitles ‘Politeness in Requests’ I read, let me say that it was all about relationship between indirectness and politeness in requests. It was between Romanians and other nationalities, such as the British and the Hebrew. There are some aims to be achieved by the researcher. The first is to analyze the relationship between indirectness and politeness in request, the second is to find out to what extent politeness and indirectness are viewed as overlapping or mutually excluding categories. The third goal is to provide an example of the sociolinguistics instruments that can be employed in the investigation of the differences and similarities likely to emerge in intercultural encounters. The researcher tries to identify if there are any similarities between the answers of the Romanians respondents, the British, and the Hebrew in requesting in terms of indirectness and politeness. this identification is applied by designing a situation and the respondents have to answer the question by choosing the eight-descriptive category(utterances). The eight categories were typed randomly. The respondents were asked to rate each utterances on a one to eight point scale for either "directness" or "politeness". The weakness of this project is there were only seven Romanians respondents that showed that they were students not the native Romanians. We do not know whether or not the respondents are the native speakers of Roma. As we know that if the respondents are not native speakers, the result will be invalid then. In addition, I can say that It is not effective when seven respondents have to choose the eight utterances and typed them in the directness and politeness ordered. They may choose or make more than one result. In terms of directness and indirectness, and politeness, the answers provided by the respondents were somewhat similar to the previous choices. The singularity answer was not taken into account. However, if the survey is to be carried out on a larger group of respondents.The comparison among the Romanians respondents' answer, the English respondents' answer, and the Hebrew respondents' answer, proposes two possible directions of investigations. the first direction is focused on the relationship between what the person believes to be polite in a certain situation and what the same person perceive as polite. the second direction is focused on checking the findings of the current research against a larger group of Romanian respondents. The good things of the journal are that we can know if the level of politeness can not be the same. we think that our way to request is polite, but probably not for the others. also the researcher gives some tables as the measurements, so it seems that result can be considered as a high quality of research. in addition, the researcher also provides the situation which is simple and useful. that will make the respondents easier to answer the questions given by the researcher. Going on commenting on the journal, the obvious differences among Romanian, Hebrew, and English appear when it comes to politeness. The three languages place the utterances on different position. In this respect, Romanian seems again to overlap with Hebrew in which the respondents place the utterances in similar position. The conclusion is Romanian is pretty close to Hebrew in terms of the linguistics strategies employed. However, Romanian more likely to encounter conventional indirect polite strategies compared to Hebrew and English. After reading the journal, let me say that we can not claim them unreliable because in our view there may be differences between what one person uses on a daily basis and what the same person perceives as adquat, acceptable in terms of polite indirect strategies. So everything depends on the cultures applied by the nationality itself. Ok,it's excellent work.you only have minor error.You deserve to get A for this task.Congrotulation
Post by Admin on Nov 28, 2013 11:32:31 GMT
Thanks Mr. Akmal. When I have joined propoboard. Com actually I really know what’s going to be discuss in the next section and I can learn more about politeness in requests intercultural encounters. The contents of the journal is analyze the relationship between indirectness and politeness in requests in Romania. Another purposes of the paper is to provide an example of the socio-linguistics instruments that can be employed in the investigation of the differences and similarities Likely to emerge in intercultural encounters. The experiment used the method called "the discourse completion test"(DCT). This method basically consists in creating a certain situation, where respondents are asked to engage in a conversation about a certain ordinary problem. So this methode has related with our Indonesian culture that when someone asked to engange the conversation about their own problem, and then their friendship gives the participant parts of the conversation along with a description of the situational. Fom this problem we can know that everyone has their own culture to face and solve the problem. As like in comparation between Romania, English and Hebrew. However the current research also point out to the fact that in romanias are more likely to encounter conventional indirect polite strategy compared another countries. Every places have their own culture. We can’t judge. We cannot claim if Indonesia are more polite than another because in our view there may be differences between one person uses on a daily Basis and what the same person perceives as adequate, acceptable in terms of polite indirect strategies. Cause every places has their own cultur. Thanks a lot Mr. Akmal for this new site, new day, new experience and new sensation
Post by Admin on Nov 28, 2013 11:33:52 GMT
Ok.Your answer is still unsatisfactory.
Post by Admin on Nov 28, 2013 11:37:40 GMT
Firstly, thank you very much for giving me new knowledge about the material that we discussed yesterday. And I've already read the journal. In my opinion, it is a good journal because it tells us about the politeness and indirectness in request especially of Rumanian, Hebrew and English. The article compare which one of those countries is more polite. The researcher used a method to analyze these countries. And the method is called DCT. That is the Discourse Completion Test. And the Researcher conclude that Romania is more polite than British and English. From this article, the reader knew which one of the countries is more polite and the the reader also get the information especially about the politeness and indirectness of those countries. So that, people can take a position if they are in that country. The weakness of the journal is about the limited information in research question. It makes the reader not too understand about the content of the journal. The weakness also about the sampling of the research.It is not effective if the researcher just use seven students of Romanians' students. it also not efficient for a research. The conclusion is every country has different culture, the reader have to understand about this one. so that the can take a position if they are in other country. Indonesia also has the cultures. And most Indonesians' people especially Javanese people are polite. Because they get the culture from their parents. Their parents teach them to be a polite person especially with the oldest person. So that they used to be polite with other people. Just that I can give my comment about the journal. I do hope that my comment is like what you think of the truly content of the journal. That's all and thank you very much sir.
You have done good work but lack of deep analysis.You deserve the score of B (Bravo) for this task.
Post by Admin on Nov 28, 2013 11:39:12 GMT
Commenting on the journal entitles ‘Politeness in Requests’ I read, let me say that it was all about relationship between indirectness and politeness in requests. It was between Romanians and other nationalities, such as the British and the Hebrew. There are some aims to be achieved by the researcher. The first is to analyze the relationship between indirectness and politeness in request, the second is to find out to what extent politeness and indirectness are viewed as overlapping or mutually excluding categories. The third goal is to provide an example of the sociolinguistics instruments that can be employed in the investigation of the differences and similarities likely to emerge in intercultural encounters. The researcher tries to identify if there are any similarities between the answers of the Romanians respondents, the British, and the Hebrew in requesting in terms of indirectness and politeness. this identification is applied by designing a situation and the respondents have to answer the question by choosing the eight-descriptive category(utterances). The eight categories were typed randomly. The respondents were asked to rate each utterances on a one to eight point scale for either "directness" or "politeness". The weakness of this project is there were only seven Romanians respondents that showed that they were students not the native Romanians. We do not know whether or not the respondents are the native speakers of Roma. As we know that if the respondents are not native speakers, the result will be invalid then. In addition, I can say that It is not effective when seven respondents have to choose the eight utterances and typed them in the directness and politeness ordered. They may choose or make more than one result. In terms of directness and indirectness, and politeness, the answers provided by the respondents were somewhat similar to the previous choices. The singularity answer was not taken into account. However, if the survey is to be carried out on a larger group of respondents.The comparison among the Romanians respondents' answer, the English respondents' answer, and the Hebrew respondents' answer, proposes two possible directions of investigations. the first direction is focused on the relationship between what the person believes to be polite in a certain situation and what the same person perceive as polite. the second direction is focused on checking the findings of the current research against a larger group of Romanian respondents. The good things of the journal are that we can know if the level of politeness can not be the same. we think that our way to request is polite, but probably not for the others. also the researcher gives some tables as the measurements, so it seems that result can be considered as a high quality of research. in addition, the researcher also provides the situation which is simple and useful. that will make the respondents easier to answer the questions given by the researcher. Going on commenting on the journal, the obvious differences among Romanian, Hebrew, and English appear when it comes to politeness. The three languages place the utterances on different position. In this respect, Romanian seems again to overlap with Hebrew in which the respondents place the utterances in similar position. The conclusion is Romanian is pretty close to Hebrew in terms of the linguistics strategies employed. However, Romanian more likely to encounter conventional indirect polite strategies compared to Hebrew and English. After reading the journal, let me say that we can not claim them unreliable because in our view there may be differences between what one person uses on a daily basis and what the same person perceives as adquat, acceptable in terms of polite indirect strategies. So everything depends on the cultures applied by the nationality itself. Ok Mr.Sadam.You have worked hard and deserved to get A score on this task
Post by Admin on Nov 28, 2013 11:48:35 GMT
Content of the paper : Paper entitle “Politeness in Requests : Some Research Findings Relevant for Intercultural Encounters” is contain nine chapter. They are Introduction, Theoritical Background, Research Question, Methodology, Survey Question and Sample Description, Survey Findings, Data Analysis, Research Conclusions, Polite Request in Romanian, English and Hebrew, and Final Conclusions. 1. Introduction Introduction contain little research has been conducted so far into the politeness discourse of Romanians as compared to other nations. Therefore, we believe that this article may contribute to a research niche neglected so far and, hopefully, provide a theoretical and practical framework for further investigation into the field of polite requests. 2. Theoritical Background Theoritical Background contain undertaking needs some background to the issue of politeness in request through indirect strategies. 3. Research Question Research Question contain starting from this theoretical background, we tried to find out whether Romanians associate politeness with conventional indirectness. 4. Methodology, Survey Question and Sample Description Methodology, Survey Question and Sample Description contain method Discourse Completion Test (DCT), it consists in creating a certain situation, whre respondents are asked to engage in conversation about a certain ordinary problem. 5. Survey Findings Survey Findings contain result of directness scale and politeness scale 6. Data Analysis Data Analysis contain worth underlining that only one respondent choose hedged performatives and hints as the answers favored in dealing with the situation given by the researchers. 7. Research Conclusion Research Conclusion contain conclusion to be drawn based on the findings, and after the data analysis is that while most respondents. 8. Polite Request in Romanian, English and Hebrew Polite Request in Romanian, English and Hebrew contain romanians are more likely to use conventional indirect (at least in terms of perception of what things should be like until further research proves otherwise). 9. Final Conclusions Final Conclusions contain romanians is pretty close to Hebrew in terms of the linguistic strategies employed. Weakness of the paper I think this paper is good explanation, so if there is weakness just a little. Maybe the weakness of the paper is on the chapter research questions there is less detail information about the questions. Must be given some questions, for example three or four questions to make researcher analysis the data easily. So it is be made list of numbers question which will be asked to make research. Strength of the paper I thing this paper is good for reader. The reader get the important information about the politeness in request : some research findings relevant for intercultural encounters. The writter already explain detail information to make the reader easily to understand. In this paper the researcher explain the politeness request in Roamnians, English and Hebrew. The conclusion is Romanians is pretty close to Hebrew. However, the current research also points out to the fact that in Romanian we are more likely ton encounter conventional indirect polite strategies compared to Hebrew and English. Different with our country (Indonesia) Politness Request in indonesia have already be used since we were born. Especially in java , java is polite culture. From birth the child have already to make mother language, and mother language is polite. Not only in the familiy polite request is used, but also to all of people w ho more than older than us. For example to call “you” to older people use “Njenengan” etc. So, our country (Indonesia) mayoritas always show good polite, shay, and not arrogant. In case, politness in Indonesia have already use since we were born. Though you still have some grammatical error, your work is good enough.It deserves B score.
Post by Admin on Nov 28, 2013 11:52:25 GMT
The journal that you gave is about the analyzis of the the relationship between indirectness and politeness in requests. One of the issues of major concern when it comes to intercultural encounters is the socio linguistic discourse of politeness. The generally of the journal is viewed as common sense knowledge and hence prone to misunderstandings may become substantiated information and assumptions contributing to a better approach to intercultural encounters between. The background “to increase the degree of politeness by using a more and more indirect kind of illocution .Illocutions tend to be more polite because they increase the degree of optionality and because the more indirect an illocutionis, the more diminished and tentative its force tends to be”. The experiment used the method called "the discourse completion test"(DCT). This method basically consists in creating a certain situation, where respondents are asked to engage in a conversation about a certain ordinary problem. The researcher gives the the first part of participants of the conversation along with a description of the situation and Asks the informant to complete this situation by supplying a continuation. In Short, to be drawnbased on the fi ndings and after the data analysis is that while most respondents (i.e. seven) choose the same strategy (i.e. query preparatory) as an individual manner of selfexpression, as well as a strategyperceived equally polite and indirect,the other two respondents seem tocontradict themselves. However, wecannot claim them unreliable because in our view there may be differences between what one person uses on a daily basis and what the same person perceives as adquat, acceptable in terms of polite indirect strategies. Hallo Mister Cahyo, you need to revise your comment.
Post by Admin on Nov 28, 2013 11:55:37 GMT
I have read an article entitled "POLITENESS IN REQUESTS: SOME RESEARCH FINDINGS RELEVANT FOR INTERCULTURAL ENCOUNTERS" by Aura Codreanu, PhD, MA, MSc, Regional Department of Defense Resources Management Studies, Brasov, Romania and Alina Debu, MA, Teacher of Romanian language, Fagaras, Romania. The article discussed about the comparison of three languages; Rumanian, Hebrew, and British, of which one the most polite of three languages implementing in asking requests based on some criterion given by the researchers. There are some parts of its discussion, those are directness and indirectness; conventional and non-conventional. The article differs which one of three languages that is most polite in requests. In this research, the researchers provided such discourse completion test (DCT) which consisted of a situation that would be done by respondents (imaginary situation). The researchers only took 10 respondents who mastery in each of languages to complete the test given. As the result, the researchers found that there were 7 respondents who chose the same strategy; query preparatory, which are equally polite and indirect, they were categorized as query preparatory category. On the contrary, there are 2 respondents who were contrast with 7 respondents, they were categorized as want statement category. At last, there was only 1 respondent who was categorized as the hedged performatives and hints. As the conclusion of the research, the researchers concluded that Romanian and Hebrew were relatively polite in requests and used indirect strategy. Whereas British was concluded that they were quite polite in requests with such direct strategy. If it is compared with Indonesian, the major of Indonesian uses such politeness in requests; using indirect strategy (conventional and non-conventional). Because Indonesian has been taught to be a polite person in a manner. That's all what I comprehend of the article. Thank you Mukhamad Zaennur Rezki/ 10420298 English for Hotel/ 7A Ok Zaenur, You really worked hard. I give A for this task.
Post by Admin on Nov 28, 2013 11:58:39 GMT
First of all, let me thank for this occasion because this is my first experience for joining this forum, sir. As what I have read the journal this morning from this address: journal.dresmara.ro/issues/volume2_issue2/14_codreanu_debu.pdf. It tells us about the research project supporting the findings of the paper which was undertaken in order to find out to what extent politeness and indirectness are viewed as overlapping or mutually excluding categories by Romanians compared to other nationalities, such as the British and the Hebrew. On the other hand, another inherent goal of the paper is to provide an example of the socio linguistics instruments that can be employed in the investigation of the differences and similarities likely to emerge in intercultural encounters. The theoretical background shows that to increase the degree of politeness is by using a more and more indirect kind of illocution. Illocutions tend to be more polite because they increase the degree of optionality and because the more indirect an illocution is, the more diminished and tentative its force tends to be. In order to attain these objectives, the researcher used the method called “the discourse completion test" (DCT). This method basically consists in creating a certain situation, where respondents are asked to engage in a conversation about a certain ordinary problem. The researcher gives the participants the first part of the conversation along with a description of the situation and asks the informant to complete this situation by supplying a continuation. Thus, a conclusion that the researcher could draw is that Romanian is pretty close to Hebrew in terms of the linguistic strategies employed. However, the current research also points out to the fact that in Romanians are more likely to encounter conventional indirect polite strategies compared to Hebrew and English. In this respect, the researcher cannot claim though too much originality of the findings due to the restricted sample of respondents. Beside, in Indonesian culture, the rating of politeness is very necessary starts from a child until an adult. It teaches us to make a good and nice sense to other persons, keep our arrogant and heart. Then, it remembers (reminds) us to keep our smile when whatever we feel, may be in good or bad situation, so smile is number one. More over, it is different in the heart. The people avoid to too respect to the others' compliments because we stand to be kindly. hehe Thank you sir, these are what I could write. n_n" thank you for correcting my comment, sir :) Yap Ayu!, your score for this task is B.
Post by Admin on Nov 28, 2013 12:12:27 GMT
Good evening, Sir This is my comment, Sir. I think the research is good. How the researcher analyzed and got the data for this research about politeness in requests in several countries. So we can know how Romanians, British and Hebrew express their politeness in request. There are several expression that researcher used in this research. And the researcher also change the language based on the respondents. For the research conclusion respondents choose the same strategy as an individual manner of self-expression, as well as a strategy perceived equally polite and indirect, the other two respondents seem to contradict themselves. However, we cannot claim them unreliable because in our view there may be differences between what one person uses on a daily basis and what the same person perceives as adquat, acceptable in terms of polite indirect strategies. But I think the researcher should make a research not only in those countries but also other country, especially the country is always come by many people. For example Europe, America etc. People in the world can know their culture especially communication style. So, when people come to those countries can make good communication.Actually different country has different habit or culture in their life, especially in communication style or express their feeling, same as in Indonesia. Indonesian people have their own communication style. Indonesian people are famous with their politeness. In this case Indonesian people always make good relationship with others especially in create communication. Such as make a request, command etc. When Indonesian people make a request they will say politely with the word “please” and the end say “thank you”. This expression May be same with other country. This research should be continued by other researcher or the first researcher. Your work is good.You need to be careful with adverbial clause,subject and verb agreement,and prepositional phrase. Your score is B for this task.Good luck.
Post by Admin on Nov 28, 2013 12:16:54 GMT
I think the article is about politeness in a request for some relevant findings of research intercultural meetings and analyze the relationship between indirectness and politeness in demand in Romania . this article would like to emphasize the importance of taking such a specific approach when it comes to understanding intercultural relationships from a socio- linguistic perspective . Thus , what is Generally Viewed as common sense knowledge and hence the misunderstandings may prone to Become substantiated information and Assumptions contributing to a better approach to intercultural encounters between Romanians and other nations . based on the analysis of the data it can be concluded that while most respondents ( ie seven ) choose the same strategy ( ie query preparatory ) as an individual manner of self- expression , as well as a strategy perceived Equally polite and indirect , the other two respondents seem to contradict Themselves and there may be differences between what one person uses on a daily basis and what the person perceives the same as adquat , acceptable in terms of polite indirect strategies . So the result is Romania is quite close to the Hebrew linguistic terms used strategies . However , the current study also point to the fact that in Romania we are more Likely to face polite Compared with conventional indirect strategy Hebrew and English . Thus , only through such research one can completely cover the scientific way of challenging cross - section of the field of culture , and more specific at the level of intercultural encounter linguistic discourse markers . Your work is good but lack of Indonesian reflection so I give B- for this task.
Post by Admin on Nov 28, 2013 12:21:14 GMT
For the first I wanna say thank a lot to Mr. Akmal for the new knowledge and new experience from this assignment. It is very interesting to studying through e-learning. According to me, this journal tell us about the relationship between indirectness and politeness in request in order to find out what the extend is politeness as view of over lapping or manually excluding categories by Romanian compared with England and Hebrew. The journal gives us many information about the politeness and indirectness in request in the different country, it gives us more information and knowledge about how to request include indirectness and politeness. The knowledge about how to request is very important when we are in the hotel and in the other places as the guest or employee. Weakness of the journal: This journal is too hard to understand because I must read more than one time to read it to understand. Strength of the journal: According to me this journal is very good for the readers because they get the important information about the politeness in request.In this journal the researcher explain the politeness request in Romanian, England and Hebrew. The conclusion is Romanian is pretty close to Hebrew. However, the current research also points out to the fact that in Romanian we are more likely to encounter conventional indirect polite strategies compared to Hebrew and English. Different with our country (Indonesia) Politeness Request in Indonesia have already be used since we were born. Our country (Indonesia) always show good polite and kind. Especially in java, java is polite culture. Thanks for show me the journal sir, I hope it will be useful in the future. By: Titik Waruji (10420338) Ok,you have red twice the PDF text and you also have worked hard for writing comment.Your score is A- for this task.Good luck.
Post by TiaraRizqiAmaliaPutri on Nov 28, 2013 15:04:40 GMT
Thank you sir. This is the first experience thanks for your information .
Post by wahyutrirejeki on Nov 28, 2013 15:11:10 GMT
I have read the journal twice, but still there are some parts that difficult to be understood. We can know from the beginning that the article or journal from journal.dresmara.ro/issues/volume2_issue2/14_codreanu_debu.pdf is to analyze the relationship between indirictness and politeness in request. Completely, the journal tells about the research project supporting the findings of the paper which was undertaken in order to find out to what extent politeness and indirectness are viewed as overlapping or mutually excluding categories by Romanians compared to other nationalities, such as the British and the Hebrew. In the other hand, the researcher tried to find out whether Romanians associate politeness with conventional indirectness, as Blum Kulka asserts, or they consider non-conventional indirectness as more polite. Moreover, the researher tried to identify if there are any similarities between the answers of the Romanian respondents and those of Blum Kulka’s respondents. In order to attain these objectives, the researcher used the discourse completion test method (DCT).To find it, the researcher did some observations using the social linguistics instrument that can be employed in the investigation and the researcher only used seven students of Romanians’ students. It became the weakness of this journal because it is not effective because the data obtained less of variable. Actually, DCT is appropriate method but because the limitation of the respondents, so the researcher can not claim though too much originality of the findings due to the restricted sample of respondents. It can be said that the difference respondents will produce the difference ways of communication. Moreover, the respondents were very few. But beside those weakness,from the journal we can know several kinds of languages to show the politeness in this world. We also can know that in each country have their own way in speaking especially to show politeness. In Indonesian culture itself, politeness is very necessary thing. It uses to show the respect between the young and adult or the lower and the higher. For example, the young people will lower their tone when they talk to adult. It is also use to the lower in treat the higher. In the other hand, when the young talk to the adult, they will not see eyes to eyes directly. They lowered their head. This is not going to make someone become lower , or make social inequality. But , it is able to keep the value of politeness to respect each other thereby maintaining a harmonious life. sir, those effort of mine. hopefully can get appropriate score.ehehehe thankyou..
Post by laluna husna on Nov 28, 2013 15:57:34 GMT
thanks fyi sir
Post by Danang Muttaqin on Nov 28, 2013 16:27:48 GMT
I have read an article entitled "POLITENESS IN REQUESTS: SOME RESEARCH FINDINGS RELEVANT FOR INTERCULTURAL ENCOUNTERS" by Aura Codreanu, PhD, MA, MSc, Regional Department of Defense Resources Management Studies, Brasov, Romania and Alina Debu, MA, Teacher of Romanian language, Fagaras, Romania. First of all, I want to thanks to Mr. akmal who already gave opportunity to read this journal. In my opinion, the journal is difficult to understand. But, this journal is very important, especially for us “English Department Student”. This journal told us about focusing on the means of indirectness and politeness in request available at the linguistic level in Romanian and other nationalities. Every nationalities have different views and have different style of method available to them. Based on the introduction, it tells that the purpose of the paper is to find out to what extent politeness and indirectness are viewed by Romanians compared to other. So, it is the most important thing that must we know. According to me, this journal tell us about the relationship between indirectness and politeness in request in order to find out what the extend is politeness as view of over lapping or manually excluding categories by Romanian compared with England and Hebrew. The journal gives us many information about the politeness and indirectness in request in the different country, it gives us more information and knowledge about how to request include indirectness and politeness. The knowledge about how to request is very important when we are in the hotel and in the other places as the guest or employee. The weakness of this research is the respondents of Romanians only seven students and they were not the native of Romanians. So, I think it is not an effective way, because the seven respondent have to choose the eight categories and type them in directness or politeness. The research should be taken away many respondents, because the result can’t find based on the seven respondent. Thank you for correcting my comment, sir BY: DANANG MUTTAQIN/ 10420165/ 7B
Post by Lailana Husna on Nov 28, 2013 17:05:49 GMT
I have read the journal “POLITENESS IN REQUESTS: SOME RESEARCH FINDINGS RELEVANT FOR INTERCULTURAL ENCOUNTERS”. Based on the material in journal, the goal of this research is to find out what extent politeness and indirectness are viewed as overlapping or mutually excluding categories by Romanians compared to other nationalities, such as the British and the Hebrew. Here to attain these objectives, the researcher used a method to analyze the relationship between indirectness and politeness in request by discourse completion test (DCT). The journal is good enough for us, because we will know about the comparison of three languages; Rumanian, Hebrew, and British, that which one the most polite of three languages implementing in asking requests. Actually, the journal has several weaknesses. First, the real situations are limited. Second, it will better if there are some conversation, this journal just give a sentence. In summary, the conclusion is that Romanian is pretty close to Hebrew in terms of the linguistic strategies employed. As we know that Indonesian people also use politeness in request and to be polite is important in Indonesia. So, many places have their own politeness culture.
Post by Rini Aji Mulatsih on Nov 28, 2013 18:23:26 GMT
From the article, we know that it talks about the analysis about Indirectness and politeness in request. The writer do the analysis to find out what extent politeness and directness are viewed as overlapping or mutually excluding categories by Romanians compared to other nationality, such as British and the Hebrew. Here, it also explains the goal of the paper is to provide an example of the sociolinguistic instruments. There is a research that had been conducted by Leech, 1983: 108, S. Blum-Kulka: 1987, Yong-Ju Rue, Grace Qiao Zhang 2008, María Elena Placencia: 2007, Carmen Taleghani-Nikazm: 2006), little research has been conducted so far into the politeness discourse of Romanians as compared to other nations. For their research finding, they tried to identify if there are any similarities between the answers of the Romanian respondents and those of Blum Kulka’s respondents. The writer used method called “the discourse completion test” (DCT). This method basically consists in creating a certain situation, where respondents are asked to engage in a conversation about a certain ordinary problem. The researcher gives the participants the first part of the conversation along with a description of the situation and asks the informant to complete this situation by supplying a continuation. There are some strategy steps to find request, directness scale, and politeness scale. After that, writer compared between the results of the scale. For the data analysis, it can be concluded that: • Romanians are more likely to use conventional indirect strategies than other nationalities (at least in terms of perception of what things should be like until further research proves otherwise). • Hedged performatives as polite strategies are ranked second in Hebrew, and first or second in Romanian. • Romanian places such utterances on the third or fourth position; Hebrew on the fourth or fifth position and English on the second or third position. • Romanian is pretty close to Hebrew in terms of the linguistic strategies employed. • In Romanian, we are more likely to encounter conventional indirect polite strategies compared to Hebrew and English.